Wellness Week :-)
We had Wellness Week this week in school. The theme of the week was: I am comfortable, I am healthy, I am happy.
We had Wellness Week this week in school. The theme of the week was: I am comfortable, I am healthy, I am happy.
On Wednesday morning in Assembly we had a very important event take place.
On Tuesday 2nd Class went to the Recreate recycled goods center and spent time using recycled goods to make different things.
Thank you to all who donated shoe boxes so generously. There was utter joy experienced by all the children as they gave with such open hearts.
As part of Gratitude Week this week in school the children all drew a picture of something they are grateful for.
Last year we had a very successful Littler League between all the classes in the school. Every day classrooms were checked for litter on the floor.
2nd Class have begun doing mini projects. They were each given a country and they had to compile a fact file on that country.
2nd Class were in the Secret Garden this week collecting soil samples to bring back to their classroom so they can investigate the different components of soil.
On Wednesday afternoon we had our Green School Recycled Goods Fashion show in the back yard.
Last week the school was awarded a Science Foundation of Ireland Discover Science and Maths Plaque of STEM Excellence for the 2015/16 academic year.
In keeping with our Green School Action Plan the next upcoming event is our fashion show. All the children will be making clothes and/or accessories using recycled goods.