Taggged: C2027

Christmas Shoe box Appeal

We had such a wonderful turn out for our Hear to Hand Christmas Shoe box appeal this year. Well done to all the boys and girls and parents for being so generous.

3rd Class Concrete

  In Science class 3rd class mixed the right components to create their very own concrete block. Anybody looking for any quotes for extensions.

2nd Class Space Tasting

This week 2nd class took a trip to Mars and tested what it would be like to taste food in outer space compared with how it would taste on Earth.


The action never stopped all week.  Every day there were two active sessions for each class in addition to all their PE classes.

Colleen Bawn

On Friday 26th May, 4th class along with 5th and 6th class had the pleasure of going to see Colleen Bawn being performed at Trinity College Dublin.