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John Scottus Secondary School

Our broad ranging curriculum encourages learners to develop mindful attention, critical thinking, , compassionate hearts and self-awareness. It is designed to challenge the learner to develop all aspects: mental, emotional, social and spiritual.

Our extra-curriucular activites in sport, drama, music and art invite the learner to naturally stretch their capacities in a supportive manner. Our many school trips offer opportunities for students to live in the present moment and discover in that moment their unlimited vitality and brilliance.

We activley encourage parents to play an active part in our school community. To support parents you can view the many resources on our website.
Secondary School News
TY Outdoor pursuits and cultural activities
Given the cold weather, Transition Year have focused more on indoor activit ..
Reptiles Workshop
Since Christmas, Reptile Heaven has come in to give a very interactive and informative workshop on reptiles.
Badminton was introduced to JSS last October by Ms Grace.