Seachtain na Gaeilge 2024
Seachtain na Gaeilge is a national 17-day long festival, highlighting our national language and culture.
Rinne Yusra agus Keith cur i láthair ag an tionól Dé Luain agus rinne Georgina jab iontach ar an bpaidir as Gaeilge in éineacht le hEric. To start our week, our new Head Girl, Head boy and deputies presented a bilingual assembly, with Georgina doing a great pronunciation of the prayer as Gaeilge.
To celebrate in JSS, we took to the astro pitch to dance a céilí, with over 100 students participating! Claire Dowling, from the Dowling School of Irish Dancing, led the céilí, starting us all off with the basics and progressing to set dances. Go raibh míle maith agat, a Chlaire!
Dé hAoine, d’eagraigh na daltaí ón gCúigiú Bliain Quiz Kahoot do dhaltaí na chéad bhliana agus do dhaltaí an dara bliain – The new student leadership team organized a house teams Kahoot quiz for first and 2nd years. Bhí a lán spraoi ann.
Dé Céadaoin, 4th years helped put together a treasure hunt for 1st year students, The lucky winners figured out the Irish clues, which led them all around the school.