Locations and Facilities
The Primary school is located at: 47/49 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4 (and has no plans to move).
There is a playground at the back of the building and we are within five minutes walk to green areas for PE classes.
Side gate open 08.00 and closes at 08.15am sharp. All classes exit through the front gates onto Northumberland Road
- Junior Infants finish 2.00 pm
- Senior Infants finish 3.00 pm
- 1st class – 6th class staggered from 3.05 – 3.15pm
Monday to Friday 2.00 – 3.00pm (Junior Infant’s only)
Monday to Friday 3.15 – 5.15pm (All)
No After-school on first & last days of full terms.
After-school available day before / after mid-term breaks and when there is early closing (1.45pm) for staff meetings.
When children go swimming they are collected from the pool. If children are unable to go swimming they are collected at the time their class departs (1.20pm)
Children booked into After-school will be bussed back to school after Swimming.