C5B Renaissance Poem
5th Class Boys wrote poems about items invented during the Renaissance Here is a taster from Leo Maguire.
5th Class Boys wrote poems about items invented during the Renaissance Here is a taster from Leo Maguire.
On Thursday 25th September the entire secondary school travelled to Larch Hill Scout Centre in the foothills of the Dublin Mountains.
Mr Gibney has kindly put together a list of local sports clubs / teams (including Dance) children attending JSS use.
Report on 5th Class boys trip to the National Gallery on Thursday 26th September 2014 Today we visited the National Gallery of Ireland in Dublin.
Northumberland Rd school yard was the scene of a mighty show of strength and resilience last Thursday.
John Scottus Classical Studies group outing, organised by Mrs Waters and Mr. O’Connor, went to ..
On Friday 29th August the newly graduated John Scottus Class of 2014 gathered one last time at their school for a pre-Debs reception.
Many thanks to Niall Loftus for his excellent Sports Day photos.
A selection of 3rd and 4th class boys and girls were invited to play on the hallowed turf of Croke Park.
Transition Year enjoyed creating these self-portraits inspired by Opie.
Form 2 had a great day out where they learned a lot about aviation and the history of flight in Ireland.