JSS News

Wesley Musical

The Senior Choir will perform Cantate Domino by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins at the Wesley Inter-Schools Music Festival Friday next 6th March at 6.

Fantastique 4 Students at NCH

L to R Isabelle Mc Geough, Sophie Madden (6th Year) Rachel Spratt and Tess Tangney (5th Year) Several Leaving Certificate Music students recently attended a music workshop in the National Concert Hall.

Townley Hall House Trip

A report on the trip by Mr O’Connor: The house leaders of Venus, Neptune and Mars organised a trip to Townley Hall on Friday 16 January.

Herbert Mile Challenge

The Herbert Mile Challenge was a great school community building event. All students in the school ran for a mile around Herbert park on Tuesday, Jan 13th.

Web Safety

Web safety In relation to Social Media and web activity, parents are encouraged to closely monitor all activities.