JSS News

Mosaic: Week 4

Week 4- Time for Colour During the mid-term break Ms Sweeney and Artist Conor O’Brien glazed the tiles in the colours the students had chosen.

Dr. T & Book of Kells

Today, Tuesday the 24th of March Dr Telford visited our after school Art class giving a presentation on the Book of Kells to 5th Yr Art history students.

Bye Bye Mrs Broaders

Mrs Broaders was given a wistful send-off just before school was dismissed for Christmas break. She is off to warmer climes to live in Trinidad and Tobago for a few years.

Book the 25th March!

On Wednesday the 25th March the first year students will be organising an initiative called ‘Bring a book, Buy a book’.

Wesley Musical

The Senior Choir will perform Cantate Domino by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins at the Wesley Inter-Schools Music Festival Friday next 6th March at 6.