JSS News

Chess Club News

We are having great success with Chess this year. To have the club back running again on Tuesdays after school in Morehampton Road is wonderful.

Mosaic: Week 5

Week 5- Template time During our Friday’s lesson we transferred our design from an A4 sheet to a template nearly 2 metres in diameter.

Mosaic: Week 4

Week 4- Time for Colour During the mid-term break Ms Sweeney and Artist Conor O’Brien glazed the tiles in the colours the students had chosen.

Dr. T & Book of Kells

Today, Tuesday the 24th of March Dr Telford visited our after school Art class giving a presentation on the Book of Kells to 5th Yr Art history students.

Bye Bye Mrs Broaders

Mrs Broaders was given a wistful send-off just before school was dismissed for Christmas break. She is off to warmer climes to live in Trinidad and Tobago for a few years.

Book the 25th March!

On Wednesday the 25th March the first year students will be organising an initiative called ‘Bring a book, Buy a book’.