John Scottus Irish Internationals
A special mention must be made to the following students; Tess Tangney and Kate Ryan who were selected for the Irish Under 20 Ultimate Frisbee team.
A special mention must be made to the following students; Tess Tangney and Kate Ryan who were selected for the Irish Under 20 Ultimate Frisbee team.
First year Boys Soccer: The first year boys participated in three soccer matches within May, playing against St Colleth’s in three gripping matches.
This years sports day was the first to be held in Wanderers RFC and it was a success from start to finish.
Congratulations to past pupil, Brendan Hennessy, who completed the ‘Marathon Des Sables’ (six marathons in six days across the Sahara Desert) in April 2015.
The premiere of the film “Gone Missing” scripted and produced by 1st years will take place at 7. 00 pm Thursday May 14th in Morehampton road.
The first issue of the new student magazine “The Pause” has been published.
The JSS Celebration & Prize Giving took place last Thursday April 30th.
Book below for John Scottus TY exciting teenage production of one of William Shakespeare’s best known plays, The Merchant of Venice, Trinity College Dublin Wed May 20th to Sat 23rd.
Third Year History Outing to Pals: The Irish at Gallipolli pictured with Mrs Waters and Lar Joye Curator of Irish Military History at NMI.
Transition Year Students in rehearsal for the upcoming Merchant of Venice in Trinity College Players Theatre.
The March parent newsletter for the Secondary School can be viewed by clicking here.
The launch of the New Academy programme for Senior Cycle students took place on Thursday March 26.