JSS Primary Sports Day 2015
We were blessed with perfect weather conditions for both sports days which enabled all the excellent planning and organising done by Mr Gibney and Mr Sheils to be enjoyed by all.
We were blessed with perfect weather conditions for both sports days which enabled all the excellent planning and organising done by Mr Gibney and Mr Sheils to be enjoyed by all.
Many thanks to Hannah Monaghan for putting this video together. 5th years went to Lahinch for their end of year trip.
Congrats to Tess Tangney and Kate Ryan who were selected for the Irish Under 20 Ultimate Frisbee team.
For the last information and updates please read the May Parent Newsletter, it can be found here. For previous newsletters please click here.
The last of the seminars in the Mindfulness seminar series takes place on Monday June 15th.
The Transition Year students produced a fantastic performance of the Merchant of Venice. The delivered scintillating performances over 4 days in the Player’s theatre in Trinity College.
Julia Twamley has produced an excellent documentary on the Transition Year experience in India. It is well worth the watch.
John Scottus was represented by 5 students from second year at SciFest.
Transition Year has been contributing to and benefiting from Worldwise advice and finance since 2007.
The Royal Society of Chemistry’s Spectroscopy in a Suitcase scheme came to John Scottus chemistry students.
The 5th year students, led by Hannah and Aisling, organised a fund-raising cake sale to help provide funds for the Nepal earth-quake disaster.
It has been an extremely successful and exciting month of sport for JSS.