JSS News

Christmas Fair

A huge ‘Thank you’ to Trish Bunyan and the rest of the team on a great Christmas Fair this year. The atmosphere was superb, not to mention the ‘sneak peak’ of the upcoming musical.

6th Year Career Talks

Over the past number of weeks,  in Career Guidance class, the sixth year students have been visited by two scientists, Mike Wride and Claudia Gomez.


Last week some of the teachers, Afterschool staff, some parents and a very special guest from 6th class, got together to do some very important work …… Playing with Lego .

Science Week

Science week started off with a bang at assembly, Ms Cronin and Alex Balami demonstrated the captivating ‘Whoosh Bottle’ experiment.

STEM in the Classroom.

The teachers in the primary school have been participating in a Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) programme over the last few weeks.

Development Education Day in UCD

On Tuesday Nov 24th a delegation of senior students travelled to UCD having received an invitation by the School of Education to take part in the UCD student-teacher Development Education training day.