A question of Communcation
This week we worked with Debbie Paul of Debbie Paul Art Gallery on a project called ‘A question of Communication’.
This week we worked with Debbie Paul of Debbie Paul Art Gallery on a project called ‘A question of Communication’.
Last Friday 3rd/4th class boys and girls took part in a junior school blitz at Railway Union.
Last friday all classes from Junior Infants to 4th class took part in 10@10.
The final game of the boys Junior Hockey league took place on Wednesday the 25th of January.
On Thursday the 26th of January athletes from John Scottus traveled to Avondale in Co. Wicklow for the East Leinster Cross Country Championships.
Fifth Class boys have started learning Scratch programming.
In Music class this week 1st class were working on rhythm. We used instruments to accompany a piece of music called The Soda Pop Waltz.
Last Friday 4th class went to a concert by Moxie in the Ark in Temple Bar.
Theme: Music and its Words- how does Music express the Words. And what effect does this Music have on us.
Senior Infant have been doing some firework art They have been preparing their beds in the school garden.
Fifth Class have been taking Spanish lessons from the Transition Years.