JSS News

JI Adventures

Aistear theme Spring Garden Windy Pictures with blow painting & Spring Flowers Caterpillars to Butterflies – The wonder of a life cycle.

TY in India

A dedicated blog was posted for the TY Trip 2017 to Panighata in Darjeeling where we taught English for 10 days .

Junior Infants Planting

Junior Infnats went to the Secret Garden to plant their pea seeds. It was a glorious morning and the children really enjoyed being outdoors.

Chloe’s Solar System

Chloe from 4th Class Mixed spent a lot of time creating her project on the Solar System. She then went around to different classes and presented it to them.

Ultimate Frisbee March Update

On Monday the 3rd of April the JSS Junior boys and Senior girls teams traveled to Cabra to play Our Lady of Mercy College Beaumont and St Dominics College Cabra.


The John Scottus Athletics team continues to train hard on Monday’s after school.