3rd Class Concrete
In Science class 3rd class mixed the right components to create their very own concrete block. Anybody looking for any quotes for extensions.
In Science class 3rd class mixed the right components to create their very own concrete block. Anybody looking for any quotes for extensions.
Evie pretending to be a vet during Aistear Autumn Hunt in the secret garden Teddy Bears Picnic in th ..
2nd Class have been learning about card games in History class so it was only fitting that they play a few.
For the past number of weeks 4th class have been studying Early Christian Ireland and the Book of Kells.
2nd Class have been busy over the last two weeks doing Science Investigations, Art, performing for each other, writing names in Korean using conkers and enjoying themselves at the school picnic.
The class of 2017 worked extremely hard and achieved excellent results in their Leaving Certificate exams.
John Scottus girls team had their first match of the year against North William street on a wet, windy but sunny Thursday.
4th Class are learning about native Irish trees in Geography and went on a tree walk in Herbert Park.
In assembly on Thursday Mr Clancy was highlighting the importance of following the right instructions.