3rd Class Culinary Delights
3rd Class have used their procedural writing in English class to create this delicious cook book. Be warned – reading may cause intense hunger.
3rd Class have used their procedural writing in English class to create this delicious cook book. Be warned – reading may cause intense hunger.
Well done to our Transition Years who represented “Team Belgium” and debated in the Model Council of Europe Debate in Dublin Castle.
Well done to the Transition Year Generation Euro team who came 6th in the entire country. Well done.
On Thursday 8th March Cara (2nd Class Yellow) and Aisling (Senior Infants Yellow) Griffin competed in the Schools Climbing Competition.
Here are some pictures of our 6th year’s on a field trip.
Our Senior girl’s hockey team played their last group game against Holy Faith Clontarf and won 2-0.
TY’s did more work to protect our biodiveristy at Old Conna.
As part of our Philosophy week, Enda Murphy gave a number of workshops on mental health to our students.
On Tuesday morning 2nd to 4th Class traveled to the National Basketball arena in Tallaght to take part in this year’s Córfhéile na Scoileanna.
On Friday the 23rd of February our Senior Girls and Junior Boys teams traveled to The National Sports Campus in Blanchardstown to participate in the Ultimate Frisbee All Ireland Finals.
On the 18th of January our Senior Girls Frisbee team traveled down to Cork to compete in the Murray Cup.
Third class took a trip to the museum to look at some Stone Age, Bronze Age, Celtic and Iron Age artifacts.