350 km Challenge
The sports department in John Scottus is inviting the whole JSS community to participate in a unique event next week.
The sports department in John Scottus is inviting the whole JSS community to participate in a unique event next week.
Our Transition Years took on the Gaisce Adventure Challenge in a manner in line with physical distancing.
Organising PE classes through distance learning can be challenge, but our PE teachers have extremely creative in the last few weeks with their weekly challenges.
Our Transition Years appeared in the local newspaper as a result of their Young Environmentalist Awards project.
Our Transition Year student, Bastien, is currently printing 3D face mask holders for health care workers.
What tree can fit in your hand. .
This lovely piece of persuasive writing was written by one of the children during the week.
This week our Pre-School children have been busy with lots of caterpillar activities.
We had another fun filled Assembly on Friday.
This morning we had our first Zoom Primary and Pre-School Assembly. It really had the feeling of a family reunion.
On Monday during Assembly the children heard the story of the Grateful Bull which is all about patience.
Inspired by this week’s reading, a fact piece on Frogs, one of the children drew this fantastic picture depicting the lifecycle of a frog.