TY Trip to Rock Climbing centre in Sandford
Once again, the TYs braved their fear of heights and showed off some pretty impressive displays of s ..
Once again, the TYs braved their fear of heights and showed off some pretty impressive displays of s ..
Some great perspective pictures and group shots in our last few pictures from the 2021 photography module.
The 5th and 6th Year Business classes took part in an online conference hosted by Barry Andrews MEP from Brussels on the future of Europe.
Four boys’ teams and one girl’s team attended an athletics event for schools on October 21.
MathsWeek is an excellent opportunity to bring out the budding mathematician in all of our students, and boy do they get into it.
We got our hands dirty again and the TYs came up with some amazing designs.
Our Founders Day celebrating the founding values of the school took place on Friday, September 24. The event was initiated and led by our 6thyear leadership team.
Our 6th year students completed their geography field study on Thursday, Sept 30. Here are some pictures of their work.
We are delighted to say that a 5th-year student Costanza Savoia achieved 2nd place in the national Irish Young Philosopher Awards.
To see our secondary school prize winners for the academic year 2020/2021 please see below. Congratulations to all our winners.