Comórtas Díospóireachta an Phiarsaigh
Lean ár bhfoireann ar aghaidh go dtí an dara babhta den chomórtas an Chéadaoin seo caite, 11 Nollaig. Bhí ar ár bhfoireann RTÉ a chosaint leis an rún go bhfuil siad ar freastal go maith ar mhuintir na hÉireann sa lá atá inniu ann. Thasitealaíomar chomh fada le Mount Anville agus bhí lucht tacaíochta againn ón Dara Bliain. Tá an-áthas orm a rá go bhfuil Euan, Mikey agus Daisy tar éis cáiliú don chéad bhabhta eile a bheidh ar siúl tar éis na Nollag. Rinne siad an-chuid oibre ar na hóráidí agus tá an toradh seo tuillte acu.
Students progress to the next round of Comórtas Díospóireachta an Phiarsaigh
Our Junior Irish debating team of Euan Gallagher Doyle, Mikey Mallin and Daisy Tyner have qualified for the next round of the competition. We travelled to Mount Anville school last week, 11 December to defend the motion that RTÉ are providing a good service to the people of Ireland. The three students worked very hard on preparing and learning their speeches as was evident to the students from 2nd Year who came to support them. We look forward to the next round of the competition in the new year.
Enda Mhic Cionnaith