Díospóireacht Ghaeilge i Meánscoil John Scottus
Thóg daltaí Mheánscoil John Scottus céim stairiúil i dtreo díospóireachta Gaeilge le déanaí nuair a ghlac triúr daltaí páirt i gComórtas Díospóireachta an Phiarsaigh (eagraithe ag Gael-Linn). Fuaireamar coinne le Coláiste Naomh Muire, an t-Inbhear Mór ; Meánscoil Loreto, Bré ; agus Clochar na Toirbhearta, Loch Garman. Is é an rún a bhí á phlé ag Kaiya Ó Roidigh, ag Tove Ní Mhurchú agus ag Marc Ó Maoilmhiaigh ná go dtugtar aire mhaith do sheanóirí na tíre seo. Bhíomar ag argóint in aghaidh an rúin. Thug Kaiya, Tove agus Marc sárthaispeántas dá scileanna óráide agus bhí sé soiléir go ndeachaigh a gcuid argóintí i bhfeidhm ar na moltóirí. Bhí mí-ádh orthu ar an oíche, áfach, go raibh cainteoirí eile ann a raibh níos mó taithí acu leis an ndíospóireacht Ghaeilge, agus cuireadh deireadh lena n-aistear sa chomórtas. D’fhéadfaidís bheith an-bhródúil astu féin as John Scottus a chur in aithe do chomórtais Ghael Linn. Bíonn gach tosú lag, mar a déarfá.
Ár míle buíochas d’Aisling Nic an Cheairt freisin a chabhraigh go mór le scríobh na n-oráidí.
Enda Mhic Cionnaith
John Scottus Irish Debating team
28th November last was an historic occasion for the John Scottus Irish debating team as they took part in their first ever national competion, Comórtas an Phiarsaigh. This annual competion is organsied by Gael Linn and many present Senators and TD are former Gael-Linn Irish debaters!
Our round was set for St. Mary’s College in Arklow, where we debated against Loreto, Bray; Presentation, Wexford and the home team. The motion for the debate was that we treat our senior citizens well in Ireland. Kaiya Pfeiffer-Reddy, Tove Murphy and Mark Mulvey were arguing against that motion. All three of our speakers showed great poise and their deliveries came across very well to everyone, including the judges. Unfortunately we came up against more experienced Irish debaters on the night and our journey in the competion came to an end. The students should be very proud of their achievement in representing the school and for raising our profile in the Gael-Linn competiton. This was only the beginning for John Scottus Irish debaters!
A big thank you also to Aisling Wright for her help in speech writing for the occasion.
Enda Mhic Cionnaith