Secondary News
Open Day October 2018
Emotional First Aid Training Tool for Parents of Teenagers
Emotional First Aid Training Tool for Parents of Teenagers Information Evening, Monday Nov 12th with Enda Murphy, Clinical Psychotherapist in John Scottus School, Old Conna, Rathmichael, Co.
Trip to Cool Planets to Launch SUSTAINABILITY theme
The TYs headed off to Cool Planets, a virtual experience launched by Richard Branson to teach young people the importance of protecting their environment.
Great start to TY 2018!
TYs got stuck into nature early and for the first week of term, we went hiking in Wicklow.
Summer Camp in Old Conna – Last Remaining Places…
As it’s the first year in our new premises, we are hosting our first annual SUMMER CAMP on our new campus in Old Conna.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by TY Class of 2018
To an audience of over 250 people, the students of Transition Year presented their unique take on Shakespeare’s classic “A Midsummer Night’s dream, directed by Luke Casserly.
Celebration and Prize Giving Night 2018
Celebration and prize giving night took place on Thursday May 17th in our own premises at Old Conna for the first time.
Sports Day 2018
Our first Sports day in our new grounds at Old Conna took place on Friday May 4th in glorious sunshine.
Annual Teacher-Student Games
Some pictures from the annual teacher-student game on our new astro-pitch surface. .
6th Year’s Final Day
A final farewell to our graduating 6th years .