Secondary News

Film Club

Film Club has been running all term with approximately 12-20 members attending each week on Tuesday Lunchtimes.

Irish Debating Teams

Díospóireacht Ghaeilge i Meánscoil John Scottus Ar an 5 Samhain 2019, bhí eachtra mhór ar siúl in John Scottus, i dteach Sheanchonach.

Science Week

Science week (Nov 12th) was kick started with a spectacular display of science by Ms Grace at assembly on Monday.

Comórtas Beo 2019 – 2nd Place

Jessica Dingle, from 5th year, performed with her self-composed song “An bhfuil aon ghá. ”; at Oireachtas na Samhna in Citywest Hotel last night and came in second place.