Secondary News

Film Club

Film Club has been running all term with approximately 12-20 members attending each week on Tuesday Lunchtimes.

Irish Debating Teams

Díospóireacht Ghaeilge i Meánscoil John Scottus Ar an 5 Samhain 2019, bhí eachtra mhór ar siúl in John Scottus, i dteach Sheanchonach.

Science Week

Science week (Nov 12th) was kick started with a spectacular display of science by Ms Grace at assembly on Monday.

Comórtas Beo 2019 – 2nd Place

Jessica Dingle, from 5th year, performed with her self-composed song “An bhfuil aon ghá. ”; at Oireachtas na Samhna in Citywest Hotel last night and came in second place.

Comortas Beo Finals

Guímid ádh mór ar Jessica Dingle sa Chúigiú Bliain atá tar éis cáiliú do bhabhta ceannais Chomórtas Beo i mbliana.