After School Fun
Our ukulele club is in full swing on Fridays in Afterschool.
Our ukulele club is in full swing on Fridays in Afterschool.
First Class Red have been participating in the Junior Achievement Programme with a volunteer from Pfizer.
In Senior Infants Red they made St Patrick’s Day Badges and used straws and coloured paper to make Spring Flowers.
Last week we celebrated Seactain na Gaeilge in school.
This week 2nd Class were making Lava Lamps in Science class.
The Green School Committee have been meeting every week since Christmas.
3rd Class have used their procedural writing in English class to create this delicious cook book. Be warned – reading may cause intense hunger.
Well done to our Transition Years who represented “Team Belgium” and debated in the Model Council of Europe Debate in Dublin Castle.
Well done to the Transition Year Generation Euro team who came 6th in the entire country. Well done.
On Thursday 8th March Cara (2nd Class Yellow) and Aisling (Senior Infants Yellow) Griffin competed in the Schools Climbing Competition.
Here are some pictures of our 6th year’s on a field trip.
Our Senior girl’s hockey team played their last group game against Holy Faith Clontarf and won 2-0.