JSS News

TY Photography Course

We have just completed our photography course for the 2020 TY programme. Please have a look at some of the amazing photos the students took and edited.

Monday Assembly

During Monday’s Assembly Miss Dempsey read the gorgeous poem, ‘The patience of Ordinary Things’ by Pat Schneider.

350 km Challenge

The sports department in John Scottus is inviting the whole JSS community to participate in a unique event next week.

PE Fitness Challenges

Organising PE classes through distance learning can be challenge, but our PE teachers have extremely creative in the last few weeks with their weekly challenges.

Outdoor Classroom

Our Transition Years appeared in the local newspaper as a result of their Young Environmentalist Awards project.

3D Printing

Our Transition Year student, Bastien, is currently printing 3D face mask holders for health care workers.

Our First Zoom Assembly

This Monday morning saw a very welcome return to our morning Assemblies. Our primary children connected with Miss Dempsey and each other, but, this time through Zoom.